Monday, December 23, 2019

Violence And Hate Crime And Violence Through Intercultural...

Violence and hate crimes are frequent in the United States and have become a major issue for many people. Violence comes in many different forms such as domestic, societal, and individual. Violence is the main cause of distress and has the power to tear families apart. As a result, the newer generation of kids are left to deal with insecurity, inequality, and injustice. In order to ensure that people carry out the proper approach to violence, professionals and even every day individuals must be trained through education or forums on how to manage these issues. The purpose of this paper is to provide an intercultural approach to reduce the violence and the suffering that many communities face. This paper provides an intervention to hate crime and violence through intercultural praxis, education, and socially responsible actions. Social violence or crimes involves people from different cultures and their diversity lead to emergence of superiority and inferiority (In Sorrells In Sekimo to, 2015). Cultural groups that are seen as inferior are looked down upon by superior cultures which then creates a rivalry. To end this violence, education and awareness must be the key first and foremost, then intercultural praxis and social responsibilities will help to an extent. The main focus will be on the historical ideas, concepts and theories that explain the creation of social violence as well as hate crime. Many factors contribute to social violence, while some of them come from

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